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How can I find love if I'm an INTROVERT?

You rather be at home reading a book, than being out and about? Do you feel like people drain you? Do you enjoy your solitude? Are you, by nature, highly introspective?

Well, maybe you are an introvert, and for introverts, it's more challenging to show their true feelings. For you, finding love means not only finding someone, but you also have to find someone while being true to yourself. I'm sure if you have tried to adopt other peoples’ behaviour, it ends up in disaster. According to experts, introverts find it very difficult to copy other peoples’ way.

The first thing you have to do is understand your natural charm. By being secure of your own charm, you will become inherently appealing. Maybe you are outstanding at a particular sport; perhaps you are highly intellectual, beautiful, good-hearted, genuinely caring. Whatever it is, be conscious of it and own it.

I love this quote; It's so true. Once you understand how impactful it is to carry yourself proud, you will be able to draw in warm, open, and attractive people much more easily.

If your goal is to find love, I would also recommend you to be aware of these three natural components, a personality like yours has:


One of the main "problems" of introverts is that their introspectiveness may come across as arrogance. But at the same time, you have a huge leverage point, your reserved nature, is also intriguing, so use it.


When you become proud of your natural charm, and you mix it with your inherent mysteriousness, magic happens: You become even more attractive. So don't forget to be aware of who you are, and carry yourself proudly.


You will be you more easily in a "safe environment". With this I mean you can find hobbies, group of friends, situations where you feel comfortable. Introverts don't always like to be the centre of attention, so find a safe environment where you think you can express yourself.

Finally, I would also recommend trying to break barriers, don't always fluctuate in your comfort zone -introvert or not-. Try things for the first time without worrying too much of the consequences. If you have tried once and you didn't like it, okay fair enough. But experience the thrill of crossing your self-created barriers.

By nature, introverts are already amazing because they are so reflective. Therefore, they evolve and develop faster than others. If you are an introvert you are already a step ahead, so use it to your own advantage.

With love,
