

Welcome to Emotional Bitch!

Let me tell you a bit about myself. Not too long ago, I was a news correspondent, and I could say I was quite successful, but the truth is, I was unhappy. With my career on the rise, I managed to mask deep pain for many years. Until one day, I could hide it any longer.

While in my job, I interviewed hundreds of women, and I realized I was not the only one. So I sailed in a three-year journey, and after in-depth research, I learned how to control my emotions.

After I learned how to control them, I managed, I promise you, to shape the life I wanted. So I wanted to share this insight with you, so you can as well, build your dream life. 

Once I wrote the Emotional Bitch book, I launched this blog. Because expressing what we feel shouldn't classify us as emotional, sensitive, or bitchy.